Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Amazon gets in on the green

Keeping with the times, Amazon built out a green section, and to keep everyone involved they have a feature called "Your Green 3" where users can pick 3 green products they wish everyone had.

Of course it will change but as of this writing, the top 3 most popular Green products selected by users are:

  1. Reusable Grocery Tote Bag 5 Pack Combo
  2. Ultra-Mini Compact Fluorescent Spiral Bulb
  3. Mini Compact Fluorescent Spiral Bulb
And even before Amazon created a green area, online shopping saves personal fuel costs and in many cases offers free shipping.

Check out Amazon Green shopping

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How safe are plastic bottles?

NBC Today Show report

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

GE And Google Announce "21st Century" Electricity System

Blaise Zerega says let the energy search begin. In a marriage of old and new economy, Google and GE today announced a partnership to promote sustainable energy. With the ongoing financial turmoil as a backdrop, both companies are coming together to collaborate on new, renewable technologies that could, ultimately, deliver energy independence and...

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