Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Green Week at NBC Universal

It's Green Week at NBC Universal and they are making a commitment to sustainability across the entire company.

Sustainability @ NBC Universal
From identifying opportunities for energy savings and waste reduction to educating our consumers via environmentally themed programming, NBC Universal is hard at work mobilizing our assets to protect the planet.
During Green and Earth weeks, the networks of NBC Universal join forces to provide green-focused content across their wide scope of programming. Click here to read more about green programming at NBC Universal.
TV Production
From 30 Rock to Eureka the television production crews across the networks of NBC Universal have done their part to make sure the green messages they relay on screen match the practices they implement behind-the-scenes.
Film Production
Universal Pictures and Focus Features have made sustainability a priority in production. Learn more about how our studios have reduced the environmental impact of some of your favorite movies.
Products and Packaging
NBC Universal’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions and lessen our environmental footprint focuses on all parts of our business, including the physical products we produce. Click here to read more about our eco-friendly products.
Across our facilities, the only thing moving up faster than our elevators is our use of sustainable materials and resources in construction and daily operations. Click here to read more on the sustainability practices within our NBC Universal facilities.
NBC Universal is committed to practicing green domestically and abroad. Click here to read more on our international green efforts.
Employee Engagement
What fun would our Green and Earth Weeks be if the whole company didn’t get involved? We have created internal employee programs that both encourage green practices and reward our eco-leaders. Click here to read more about our employee engagement programs.
Read more about ways you can start to live greener on