Saturday, December 27, 2008

Green New Year Eve party ideas

Environmentally friendly ideas our associate producers discovered this week while compiling the ultimate kick start to a greener 2009.

Your guests will be green with envy when they see what you've done to create a sustainable New Year Eve bash!

What to consider before the ball drops, while you're still shopping for the big New Year's party...

Send invites via the web and save paper. In addition to urging a designated driver, suggest that friends carpool. offers a carpool option.

Check out for planet friendly party goods. Impress your guests by wearing a Kate Organic original.

Serve organic wine and beer with your Appetizers & Hors d'oeuvres, and have some Fair Trade coffee on hand.

When the partys over...

After your good friends naturally clean up using biodegradable trash bags, get some sleep wrapped up in your eco-friendly comforter.

Feeling just a bit overwhelmed? Pick up a book on sustainable living and start shoping for natural and organic groceries to start 2009 feeling fine.

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Green Degree: Careers in Renewable Energy

There Is Green In Them There Hills!

The promise of a clean, renewable power and fuel supply in the United States requires workers dedicated to leading this country toward a sustainable energy future.

Barack Obama’s Acceptance Speech at the Democratic National Convention in Denver
...I'll invest $150 billion over the next decade in affordable, renewable sources of energy -- wind power, and solar power, and the next generation of biofuels -- an investment that will lead to new industries and 5million new jobs that pay well and can't be outsourced...

If President-Elect Obama only implements half of his promise, that is still $75 billion in renewable energy.

There is a growing need for professionals with specialties in renewable energy to work in this fast growing business sector. The Bureau of Labor Statistics expects the trend in environmental job growth to continue and universities are quickly moving to add more green degrees to their curriculums.

Two years ago, the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries created 8.5 million new jobs, and according to the 2007 Green-Collar Jobs report conducted by the American Solar Energy Society, this number is projected to grow to 40 million jobs by 2030. The green industry also indirectly produces jobs such as graphic designers, accountants and marketing specialists.

There is hope in the coming years, but it will not happen overnight. The road ahead is going to take dedication and commitment.

The National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) has been working since 1990 to improve the scientific basis of environmental decisionmaking. The NCSE University Affiliate Program provides services to advance environmental programs to over 140 members ranging from large private or public research institutions to smaller liberal arts institutions.

Browse the NCSE website for green degrees at

Search for a rewarding environmental career at and

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reduce e-waste with electronic recycling programs

Don't toss out your old iPods. Technology industry leaders joined forces with environmental organizations and the government to come up with e-waste solutions, called the Rethink Initiative.

Apple's recycling program is free, like others, and covers your iPod or any cell phone — regardless of the manufacturer. Best of all, it's a simple process...

> Fill out the form for a prepaid mailing label.
> Print the mailing label.
> Drop your phone or iPod off at the nearest post office.

Check out the iPod and cell phone recycle page and help reduce e-waste.

In addition to Apple's recycling program, other options include:

Basel Action Network (BAN)
Earth 911
International Association of Electronics Recyclers (IAER)
Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition (SVTC)
Wireless... The New Recyclable

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

America Recycles Day

Building awareness about America Recycles Day and about the importance of recycling is what it's all about.

America Recycles Day (ARD), November 15, is the only nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and to buy recycled products. Celebrating its 11th year, it has grown to include millions of Americans pledging to increase their recycling habits at home and work and to buy products made with recycled materials. Through America Recycles Day, the National Recycling Coalition supports local communities and raises awareness by educating citizens about the benefits of recycling. Volunteer America Recycles Day coordinators are positioned throughout the country and work to organize recycling awareness events in their schools and communities, and in conjunction with their local municipalities.

On November 15 each year, millions of people become better informed about the importance of daily recycling and buying recycled products. The purpose of America Recycles Day is to continue to promote the social, environmental and economic benefits of recycling and encourage more people to join the movement toward creating a better natural environment.

Find out what's going on in your state and in your community. (List from

Dept. of Economic and Community Affairs

Arizona Recycling Coalition

California Recycles Day

Click here for more California events

Colorado Association for Recycling

Connecticut Recyclers Coalition

Delaware Solid Waste Authority

District of Columbia (D.C.)

America Recycles Day

Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection

Georgia Recycling Coalition, Inc.

Click here for more Georgia events

Malama Kaua'i

Iowa Recycling Association

Illinois Recycling Association

Indiana Recycling Coalition


Association of Idaho Recyclers


Click Here for Events


Baton Rouge Recycling Office
Louisiana Dept. of Environmental Quality

United States Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
Click Here for CNMI Events


Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Protection

Maryland Recyclers Coalition

Michigan Recycling Coalition

Recycling Association of Minnesota

Missouri Recycling Association

Click Here for more Missouri events

Recycling and Waste Reduction

North Carolina
Carolina Recycling Association

North Dakota

New Mexico
Click Here for Events in New Mexico

Nevada Recycles

New York
Dept. of Environmental Conservation

More Events in New York

Association of Ohio Recyclers

The Metropolitan Environmental Trust

Oklahoma Celebrates America Recycles Day

NextStep Recycling

The Professional Recyclers of Pennsylvania

Rhode Island
Rhode Island Resource Recovery

Click here for more Rhode Island events

South Carolina

Click Here for Events in Tennessee

Recycling Alliance of Texas

Recycling Coalition of Utah

Click here for more Utah events

Virginia Recycling Association


Association of Vermont Recyclers

West Virginia
Recycling Coalition of West Virginia


Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin

Click Here for more Wisconsin events

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Amazon gets in on the green

Keeping with the times, Amazon built out a green section, and to keep everyone involved they have a feature called "Your Green 3" where users can pick 3 green products they wish everyone had.

Of course it will change but as of this writing, the top 3 most popular Green products selected by users are:

  1. Reusable Grocery Tote Bag 5 Pack Combo
  2. Ultra-Mini Compact Fluorescent Spiral Bulb
  3. Mini Compact Fluorescent Spiral Bulb
And even before Amazon created a green area, online shopping saves personal fuel costs and in many cases offers free shipping.

Check out Amazon Green shopping

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How safe are plastic bottles?

NBC Today Show report

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

GE And Google Announce "21st Century" Electricity System

Blaise Zerega says let the energy search begin. In a marriage of old and new economy, Google and GE today announced a partnership to promote sustainable energy. With the ongoing financial turmoil as a backdrop, both companies are coming together to collaborate on new, renewable technologies that could, ultimately, deliver energy independence and...

read more | digg story

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Back-to-School shopping with green supplies and a happy planet

It's August, a time when parents are Back-to-School shopping.

According to a National Retail Federation survey, families will spend just about $100 on back-to-school supplies this year, this includes notebooks, binders, writing instruments, backpacks and good ole lunch pails. Try to make some, or all, of your school supply purchases, "green" purchases.

The most obvious choice is to use last year's supplies, or a sibling's old supplies. But kids must have the latest in chic school accessories, so here are a few green ideas...

Eco-friendly School Bags are very popular! Pass on nylon, vinyl and other plastics, instead grab a bag made from recycled materials or natural materials, such as hemp. Will schools allow hemp bags? I swear I started to hear Jefferson Airplane in the background while typing.

Paper, paper, paper. Reach for the recycled paper and folders. And Consider the environment before printing this document is more than a tagline. :)

While preparing this story I learned that we can buy disposable pens made of recycled materials. If you can't find disposable pens, choose a pen with a refillable ink reserve, it produces less plastic trash.

Two years ago, independent tests of vinyl lunchboxes, what most soft insulated lunch boxes are made from, showed a high levels of lead. As a result, many manufacturers now have their products tested. So if your kid gets a vinyl lunchbox, make sure it is labeled "lead-safe" or "lead-free". Go Retro and use a metal lunchbox, or a popular reusable lunch tote. Some totes are reusable and recycled, from things like recycled plastic soda bottles. So when your kids complain they never get soda, point to the tote :)

GREEN online shopping. Reduce Global Warming

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Super Cars Go Green. Green Hybrids Are Here!

Beira V-8 roadster

No longer does driving a hybrid means rolling down the highway in a weird looking Toyota Prius, the modern day styling answer to AMC (remember the Pacer and Gremlin?).

Ferrari’s hybrid supercar, currently in development, promises to spin heads without draining your wallet at the gas station.

Ferrari president Luca di Montezemolo said the company plans to reduce CO2 levels by 40% before 2012 using hybrid technology, as well as new turbocharged V6 engines which are both smaller and more fuel-efficient.

The new system will a Kinetic Energy Recycling System to recover energy from braking, as well as a completely new gearbox.

Other super car manufacturers that produce a hybrid or have a green car in development are The UK's Electric Lightning GT capable of 0-60mph in four seconds; Breckland Technology, also in the UK, with its Beira V-8 roadster and a top speed of 155 mph; Austin, Texas-based Ronn Motor Company with its Scorpion supercar entry; Mazda RX-8 Hydrogen Rotary Engine Sports Car and LotusEco Elise.

All this is encouraging news for autophiles to feed their obsession, with a bit less guilt. A far stretch from the Lamborghini Murcielago, which gets a mear 6 miles per gallon.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

World Environment Day 2008

People around the world celebrate World Environment Day on Thursday, so what does World Environment Day actually mean?

Naturally there's a World Environment Day website you can visit for a bunch more information, but I'll try to summarize it on one page.

World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Another resolution, adopted by the General Assembly the same day, led to the creation of UNEP. Every year on June 5th the United Nations sets out to grow worldwide awareness of the environment and enhance political attention and action. This year the them is "Kick the Habit! Towards a Low Carbon Economy" and the main international celebrations are being held in New Zealand. New Zealand was one of the first countries to pledge to achieve carbon neutrality, and will also focus on forest management as a tool for reducing greenhouse gases.

The Chicago Botanic Garden will serve as the North American host.

So how did you start your carbon neutral day? After switching off your climate neutral wind up clock and brushing your teeth and having breakfast, consider the following:

-Opting for non-electric toothbrush will avoid nearly 48 g of CO2 emissions;

-Heating bread rolls in a toaster versus an oven for 15 minutes saves nearly 170 g of CO2;

-Switching from regular 60-Watt light bulbs to energy-saving ones will produce four times less greenhouse gas emissions;

-Taking the train rather than the car for a daily office commute of as little as 8 km will save a big 1.7 Kg of CO2;

-Shutting down your computer and flat screen both during lunch break and after working hours will cut CO2 emissions generated by these appliances by one-third; and

-Investing in a water-saving shower head will not only save 10 liters of water per minute, but will also slash CO2 emissions resulting from a three-minute hot shower by half.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Your Greener Yard

click for organic grass seed

When greening up your yard this summer, here are a few “green” alternatives to consider.

Try Xeriscaping your yard. Xeriscape is a way to landscape your yard without requiring additional irrigation. This technique is heavily promoted in areas that do not have easily accessible supplies of fresh water, and as climate patterns shift is also catching on in other areas too. Which plants do you use when xeriscaping your yard? It all depends upon your local climate.

Keep and maintain surroundings that favor the naturally occurring beneficial insects, as well as those that you are releasing. Food, water, shelter, and a poison-free environment are their major requirements for survival and good performance. Remove toxic chemicals from the equation. Realize the hazards associated with the use of Pesticides. Learn about natural alternatives to pest control, that really work. Ant problems? Try damp coffee grounds, or squeeze lemon juice on the area. Fleas or ticks driving your pooch crazy? Try a rinse with rosemary. Boil 2 pints of water, add two tablespoons of Rosemary, and let soak twenty minutes. Drain and let cool. Wash your pet as usual, with soap and warm water. Towel dry and apply the herbal rinse. Apply this to the pet with a spray bottle or sponge, and let it dry completely, on its own before letting your pet out.

If aphids are eating vegetable garden, Ladybugs offer a natural solution and Praying Mantis will eat any insects they can catch.

Looking for more Green Alternatives?
Discover, learn about, and shop for environmentally-friendly products on the Amazon Green page.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Summer Vacation Tips

Tips for Green Summer vacation savings

Its about that time of year. Summertime, the time of year when Americans meet the asphalt. And a lot of the driving public share a common concern, how will their wallets be affected by skyrocketing fuel prices.

Traditionally the demand for fuel rises in the warmer weather, and unfortunately with an increased demand comes increased prices at the pump.

Here are a few tips for cutting your fuel spending.

  • Pick a closer destination. An obvious solution, but sometimes a great vacation in our own backyard is overlooked.
  • Be sure your auto tires are properly inflated, the oil and oil and air filters are fresh, and the air-conditioning is working properly.
  • Avoid road rage. Jack rabbit starts, speeding and abrupt braking is dangerous, and it significantly increases your vehicle’s fuel consumption.
  • Use the octane recommended for your vehicle. Regular fuel is cheaper and unless you've got a high-performance engine, premium usually won't improve your fuel efficiency.
  • Try to pack light and if at all possible, the heavier the baggage the lower the miles per gallon.
  • Avoid putting anything on top of your vehicle. This increases drag, in turn lowering fuel efficiency.
  • If you're renting a car, choose a fuel-efficient model, such as a subcompact, compact or economy car. A bonus is these models are usually cheaper to rent than the larger cars.
  • Rent a hybrid like the Toyota Prius, Camry or Hyundai Sonata, which average 31 miles per gallon or better.
  • Plan your driving and have a road atlas in the car, or opt for an electronic navigation system (also known as a GPS) and avoid excessive driving around lost.

Compared to a year ago, many more hotels are offering guests a greener alternative, from low-flow toilets to biodegradable cleansers. KLTA produced a Video on Green Hotels which highlights some things hotels are doing. So, what are "Green" Hotels? They are environmentally-friendly properties who have programs to save water, save energy and reduce solid waste.

The Green Hotels Association encourages travelers to green up their travel, and offers several tips on their website. Thinking of staying at an eco-motel? Green lodging listings can be found on and

And you can more about Ecotourism at

Have a safe and healthy green summer vacation, and drop a postcard :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008


There's hardly a move one can take this week without being reminded of the environment and Green Is Universal is shining bright with a slew of great GREEN WEEK tips and blogs. Here's on on the canvas totebags

Launching a website like shined a light on all of the things that I wasn't doing, and as my knowledge grew, so did my list of personal commitments. One of my first was to remove plastic shopping bags from my life. So I bought this bag. There were lots of other designs to choose from but I liked that this one said "Verde!" ... read more

digg story

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Green up the Office Break Room

It's Earth Day and what better time to take a second look at the company break room stacked with unhealthy snacks and sodas. Give your staff a healthy break and consider some organic alternatives!

Cascadian Farms Organic Chewy Granola Bars are a healthy, all-natural cereal made with certified organic ingredients and a good source of whole grain; containing no trans fat.

Newman's Own Organic Pop's Corn is terrific on its own, but feel free to add your own favorite ingredients, from sour cream and onion to Cajun spice, to cinnamon and sugar. It's fun for family members to make and enjoy together. Like all of Newman's Own Organics products, Pop's Corn Butter Flavored popcorn has been certified organic by Oregon Tilth.

Bigelow Organic Green Tea Bigelow Certified 100% Organic Green Tea - tea with a healthy attitude! Mother Nature gave us a wonderful gift when she packed beneficial antioxidants into Green Tea - powerful combatants that protect the body's healthy cells from billions of naturally occurring free radicals, unstable molecules that when left unchecked, may lead to a host of degenerative diseases.

Visit the Organic Green Store at Amazon for more organic munchies.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Old Cell Phone = New Tree

Beginning on April 22, 2008 (Earth Day), partners with American Forests to plant a tree for every cell phone donated!

With over 100 million phones discarded every year, President, Lonnie Jones, seized an opportunity to make a difference.

How Can You Donate Your Phone Today and Add a New Tree to Our Planet. and reduce the severe damage to ecosystems worldwide? Download and print the prepaid shipping label. Then, attach the prepaid shipping label to the box you use to mail us your used cell phone(s).

With American Forest’s and the public’s help, pledges on their website to plant trees throughout locations in need of environmental restoration, including areas damaged by wildfire and urban communities that lack green coverage.

Monday, April 7, 2008

sustainable Green Festivals

Green Festivals are a celebration of what’s working in our communities– for people, for businesses and for the environment.

Green Festivals are a walk through a sustainable community and "coming soon to a town near you"

  • April 12 and 13, 2008 in Seattle
  • May 17 & 18 in Chicago
  • November 8 & 9 in Washington, D.C.
  • November 14 & 16 in San Francisco

It starts with the personal: how people can make their lives work better. Individuals and business and community leaders also come together to discuss social and environmental issues of personal, local, national and global concern. Organizations and businesses showcase programs and products that serve the community. Neighbor-to-neighbor connections are formed, and skills are shared to empower people to create a livable community. Of course, it wouldn’t be a festival without music, art, culture and delicious food – all from local-based organizations and businesses.

Learn more at

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Gadget recycling gets easier

Gadget recycling gets easier (for some cities)

The U.S. Post Office launched an experimental hassle free program that encourages customers to recycle old gadgets!

So instead of dumping your old cameras, iPods, Blackberries in the trash and contributing to a digital landfill, now you have a place to take your gadgets (if you live in one of the test cities).

The pilot is set for 10 areas across the country, including Chicago, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles and San Diego, and could go national this fall if the pilot is a success.

The postal facilities in these test markets will be stocked with “Mail Back” envelopes which allow you to ship old gadgets weighing in under 13 ounces back at no cost.

Other items that can be recycled include MP3 players and inkjet cartridges.

Postage is paid for by Clover Technologies Group, a nationally recognized company that recycles, remanufactures and remarkets inkjet cartridges, laser cartridges and small electronics. If the electronic item or cartridges cannot be refurbished and resold, its component parts are reused to refurbish other items, or the parts are broken down further and the materials are recycled. Clover Technologies Group has a “zero waste to landfill” policy: it does everything it can to avoid contributing any materials to the nation’s landfills.

It was this philosophy that won Clover the contract with the Postal Service, besting 19 other companies, said Anita Bizzotto, chief marketing officer and executive vice president for the Postal Service.

“As one of the nation’s leading corporate citizens, the Postal Service is committed to environmental stewardship,” Bizzotto said. “This program is one more way the Postal Service is empowering consumers to go green.”

The Postal Service recycles 1 million tons of paper, plastic and other materials annually. Last year, USPS generated more than $7.5 million in savings through recycling and waste prevention programs. The nation’s environmental watchdog, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded the Postal Service eight WasteWise Partner of the Year awards, the agency’s top honor.

The Mail Back program is another example of the Postal Service’s commitment to sustainability. USPS is the only shipping or mailing company in the nation to receive Cradle to CradleSM Certification from MBDC (McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry) for human and environmental health. More than half a billion packages and envelopes provided by the Postal Service annually are nearly 100 percent recyclable and are produced with the least harmful materials. Based on the recycled content of these envelopes and packages, more than 15,000 metric tons of carbon equivalent emissions (climate change gases) now are prevented annually.

“We know our customers are interested in real solutions for proper disposal of personal electronics,” Bizzotto said. “Everyone from consumers to businesses to non-profit organizations use the mail, and the Postal Service works to manage resources wisely to minimize environmental impact.”

Word-of-mouth is being relied upon for this program to take off. So spread the word!